We previously learned about Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana’s details on its day 1 patch and DLC from Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo. Here’s a look at the latest with some screenshots and additional details.
Here are highlights on what Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana’s Patch Ver 1.01 will bring to the table when it launches on July 21:
Time Attack
After clearing the game, you’ll get to freely fight against bosses in “Time Attack” mode.
Tips Reading Function: This will allow you to check out numerous displayed tips during your gameplay by reading the Adventure Journal.
DLC Support: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana will get DLC support with this patch starting July 21.
Misc, Minor Fixes, Etc.
Next up is a look at the DLC that will be available starting July 1 alongside the new patch:
Free Items:
- Free Trial Set 1: Gets you a free “Secret Medicine of the Tempest” item, used to increase a character’s level by 1.
- Free Trial Set 2: A useful set of HP recovery items
Next, we have the pirate costumes for 300 yen each for the following characters:
Adol and Raksha
Sahad and Hummel
Ricotta and Dana
And finally, a look at some additional accessories:
HugHug Feena/Lilia/Dark Fact:
Plush versions of characters from the Ys series in Feena, Lilia, and Dark Fact for 100 yen each.
Stylish Glasses Set: Three different designs (Amber Glasses, Monocle, Skull Patch) for 100 yen each.
Stylisy Glasses Set:
Three different designs (Natural Gray, Black Round, Lovely Heart) for 100 yen each.
Ancient Mask Set:
A set that features ancient masks that appeared in the Ys series (Mask of the Sun, Mask of the Moon, Mask of Eyes) for 100 yen each.
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana will release in Japan on July 21, 2016 for PlayStation Vita. The PlayStation 4 version will release in 2017.
Published: Jul 14, 2016 4:30 PM UTC