Monolith Soft is no stranger to costumes. Xenosaga III, after all, had swimsuits, which totally helped Shion and Jr. fight T-elos.
Nintendo hasn’t revealed anything like that in Xenoblade (yet?), but the Wii game has a character customization system. Shulk and the rest of the characters can wear different outfits. Changes made can be seen on the field, in battle, and even event scenes.
Xenoblade also has a unique bonds system where the party is connected to each other and NPCs. Bonds between party members affect battles. Players can take on quests to strengthen bonds with non player characters and change how they are perceived in towns. Keep building bonds to unlock special bond talk cutscenes which explore another side of characters.
Xenoblade will bond with retailers on June 10 when it comes out in Japan.
Published: May 27, 2010 5:56 PM UTC