At Tokyo Game Show I caught up Ryoei Mikage, the President of Imageepoch, and among discussing Arc Rise Fantasia, Seventh Dragon, and a bunch of other titles we touched on World Destruction. He told me Imageepoch is currently working on the US version of World Destruction which Sega USA will publish in the future. A complete US version is on the table which includes famed composer Yasunori Mitsuda rewriting songs and making them original for the US release. The difficulty of the game may also be altered since Imageepoch is taking feedback from players outside of Japan.
So, World Destruction is coming. We just need to wait for Sega to give us a firm date. However, the release may not be in the near future since as Mikage-san explains they are looking at a full localization.
Images courtesy of Sega.
Published: Oct 14, 2008 12:03 pm