Who Gets the Giant Egg in Mika and the Witch's Mountain
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Who Gets the Giant Egg in Mika and the Witch’s Mountain

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is a delightful and charming game where Mika, our protagonist, is determined to climb up the witch’s mountain to show she is worthy of training. Throughout the game, you will find shimmering items on the ground that need to be delivered. As the new local delivery person, that job falls onto you. This guide will tell you where to find the giant egg and who gets it.

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Where to find the Giant Egg in Mika and the Witch’s Mountain

The giant egg is located on the roof of the windmill. This item will be unattainable until day 3, as you will need the light broom’s boost ability. The easiest way to get there is to walk to the train station in the town square. From here, use the boost ability on the broom to glide over the grassy terrain to reach the wasteland, where construction is taking place.

Straight ahead, you will see a bridge made of wood. Travel through these until you reach the higher platform. In front of you will be even more wooden bridges, but this time, it will lead to the top of a wooden tower. You will want to climb all the way up. You will now be incredibly close to the roof of the windmill, but you won’t be in reaching distance. Use the boost ability again, which will give you the height needed to land on the blue roof of the windmill. The giant egg will be in the nest. 

Who Gets the Giant Egg in Mika and the Witch's Mountain
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Who gets the Giant Egg in Mika and the Witch’s Mountain

A scarf on the giant egg hints that it needs to be delivered to Cecile and Jean-Paul back at the Farmlands. If you’re still on top of the windmill roof, glide in the left direction, and you should have enough height to reach the Farmlands with no problem.

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If you are no longer in that location, head up from the town square until you come across the beach. When you reach the end of the beachline, you will see several airstreams near the cliff rocks. Ride these, and you will get to the Farmlands. Cecile and Jean-Paul can be found on the left side of the Farm. Above is a screenshot of where the giant egg needs to be delivered.

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is now available on Nintendo Switch and PC.

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