Pokémon Black/White 2 sold 1.56 million copies in their opening weekend in Japan. Sales tracker, Media Create, says that this is 80.17% of the games’ initial shipment.
In comparison, the original Pokémon Black/White sold 2.55 million copies during their opening weekend in 2010, and that was 87.65% of their shipment.
Why the lower sell-through for Black/White 2? Media Create theorize that, because there was no pre-order bonus for the games, people had no reason to buy them right away.
Pre-orders were slightly lower than the original Black/White as well. Black/White 2 had 1.29 million pre-orders prior to release, whereas the original Black/White had 1.88 million pre-orders.
As far as colour-preferences go, Black 2 outsold White 2. In their opening weekend, Black 2 sold 817,000 copies while White 2 sold 745,000 copies. In the case of the original Black/White, too, Black was the more popular version with 1.32 million in opening sales, while White sold 1.23 million.
Published: Jun 29, 2012 4:01 PM UTC