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Where to Find the Crafting Manual in Atomfall

Skills are one of the only ways to improve your overall abilities in Atomfall. They work a little differently than you might be used to. To even know about the potential skills you can unlock, you first have to discover them by reading Skill Manuals. Skill Manuals can be found all over the zone- sometimes in multiple locations! The Crafting Manual is easily one of the most essential to find. The skills it makes possible to unlock help with resource management, and crafting times, and most importantly, gun upgrades. Keep reading to learn where to find the Crafting Manual in Atomfall.

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Where to Find the Crafting Manual in Atomfall

The fastest way to get the Crafting Manual you need is to run over to Wyndham Village. Head straight for St. Katherine’s Church (33.2 E, 78.7 N,) and head across the pews and towards the Vicar and his assistant. They’ll be standing over a corpse. Speak to the Vicar, promise him you won’t tell anyone about it, and you’ll eventually have the opportunity to solve the murder yourself. Head to the Brewery Cellar in the Northeast part of the village (30.5 E, 80.5 N). If you haven’t been here before, be quick; the Brewery Cellar as well as the area around it are infested by rats.

Once inside, walk past the barred door to a small hole you can crawl through on the left. Go through it and on a wooden table should be a note you can read. This note reveals who the murderer is, allowing you to present your evidence to the Vicar, or confront the murderer directly! You can take this note to the Wyndham Village general store, where Morris Wick is running the shop. Confront Morris about the murder, and he’ll eventually ask you to keep it quiet. Agree to his terms, and he’ll give you a Crafting Manual in return!

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If you don’t want to help Morris get away with murder, there’s another Crafting Manual in the Interchange. You’ll need one Atomic Battery to do this if you haven’t entered the Interchange yet. Head for the Interchange entrance in Slatten Dale (31.0 E, 77.8 N,) and open the door if you haven’t already. Head for the Central Processing area, and deposit your Atomic Battery in the Central Processor Control unit. Pick up the Atomic Battery next to the corpse in the hazmat suit, and walk back to the T-intersection outside the Central Processing room. Facing away from Central Processing, make a left here and head into Data Store Delta. There should be a yellow wall of computer equipment, with another receptacle for a battery. Pop the battery you have inside, and this will power-on Data Store Delta!

Inside Data Store Delta is a series of stairs leading further down. Almost at the bottom of the stairs, you’ll notice the railing is missing. You can jump onto the server racks from here. Hop across all the server racks, climbing onto the platforms as you go, until you reach the highest one. To your left should be a catwalk you can jump onto. This will lead you to another body in a hazmat suit. Search the body for a keycard to Data Store Delta’s storeroom, then follow the catwalk to a door you can unlock and safely return to the main part of this area from. The Storage room will be directly in front of you after going down the stairs a second time. Inside will be the Crafting Manual!

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Remember: manuals reveal the skills in your menu, but they don’t activate those skills. To do so, you’ll need to collect and spend Skill Stimulants to make them active. It’s highly recommended you save at least seven Skill Stimulants for “Gunsmith,” which allows you to upgrade your guns. While you’re in Wyndham Village, you might want to consider taking in the sights, and smashing some garden gnomes into tiny, little pieces.

Atomfall will release for PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, and PC on March 27, 2025. It is immediately available in Early Access for PC.

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Image of GC Vazquez
GC Vazquez
GC is a freelance writer with a fondness for strategy games, life sims, and RPGs. Starting as an independent content creator in 2014, he has over ten years of experience writing about games. He loves Dragon Quest, One Piece, and has a love/hate relationship with the Like A Dragon series. He's also weak to ice attacks. You may have seen some of his other work at RPGFan.