Pokemon Scarlet and Violet includes mechanics from past games, such as the Pokemon’s nature, which determines its strongest and weakest stats. The Adamant Mint is essential for doing this, and here is how to get it.

How do I get Adamant Mint in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
If you want to get the Adamant Mint item in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there are a few options available to you. The first is to compete in the Ace Tournament at the academy after you beat the main story of the base game. You can do this as many times as you want and you have a small chance of getting an Adamant Mint or one of the other mints this way.
The second method is to participate in 5 and 6-star Tera Raid Battles. These higher-level ones give excellent items, such as Adamant Mint. The problem with these first two methods is how random they are. There are many other nature mints, so you could be wasting your time.
The third and best way to get Adamant Mint is to head to any Chansey Supply store in Paldea. These are the green buildings, as seen above. You can buy Adamant Mints there anytime you want as many as you want for 20,000 Pokedollars each. The only requirement is you must have defeated at least six Gyms in the game.

What does an Adamant Mint do?
The Adamant Mint changes the nature of a Pokemon to reflect the Adamant nature. This particular nature increases the overall Attack of a Pokemon but decreases the Special Attack in the process. This nature is fantastic for Pokemon where you’ll use physical attacks and never special attacks. Some great examples include Garchomp, Ceruledge, and Koraidon. Just use the Adamant Mint in your bag to maximize its potential.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.
Published: Dec 21, 2023 3:45 PM UTC