The Shiny Stone in Super Mario RPG is needed to access a secret boss battle. The Moleville item unlocks a Final Fantasy Easter Egg and one of the strongest enemies in the entire game.

How to use Shiny Stone in Super Mario RPG
In Moleville, you can obtain a Shiny Stone from a little girl after trading her Fireworks in Super Mario RPG. Although you can obtain the mysterious stone fairly early in the campaign, you can’t actually use it until the second half of the main story. The Shiny Stone is used to unlock the secret Culex boss battle in Monstro Town.

Once you have reached Monstro Town, you will find a giant silver door directly to the left of the Inn. Usually, the mysterious door would be sealed. However, if you already have the Shiny Stone, the room will automatically open, and you can enter it.

A cutscene will trigger, and a 2-D pixel-style boss named Culex will challenge you to a battle. You should be extremely careful here, as he is the toughest enemy in the entire game. Even if your characters are at level 30, the boss can take out your party with one or two hits.

In a nod to Final Fantasy, Culex has four floating crystals that dish out elemental attacks such as fire, ice, earth, and wind. Even though you can take on the secret boss as soon as you discover Monstro Town, it’s recommended that you first progress to the end of the game to be leveled up enough.

Super Mario RPG is now available on the Nintendo Switch.
Published: Nov 19, 2023 11:30 AM UTC