A series of outfits from War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius are now available to purchase in Final Fantasy XIV. The outfits, themed after the two leads of War of the Visions, King Mont Leonis and Machérie, the Queen of Hourne, are now available for players to purchase in the FFXIV Store.
The first outfit: The King of Leonis Attire, is based on Mont Leonis after assuming his position as the king of his nation. You can take a look out the outfit below:

The other piece of player attire is the Queen of Hourne Attire, based on Machérie, Mont’s fiancee. You can take a look below:

Both of these outfits are retailing on the FFXIV Online Store for $18.00 each. The King of Leonis set is four pieces, which includes body, hands, legs, and feet. Conversely, the Queen of Hourne Attire is only 3 pieces. Those being the body, legs, and feet.
Both of the attire sets are dual channel dye-able as well as non-genderlocked for all characters. There are no headgear pieces either so Viera and Hrothgar players will not have to worry about armor pieces they paid for not appearing on their characters.
This is not the first collaboration outfit for FFXIV. Noctis from Final Fantasy XV arrived in a story, giving players access to his Regalia car as a mount as well as a replica of his normal outfit from the game during an earlier collaboration event. Final Fantasy XVI also brought both a mount and minion of the wolf Torgal, as well as Clive’s outfit for all characters for free for all players. This latest event, however, is a collaboration that only will exist in the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store for the time being.
War of the Visions will also be receiving a rerun of its Final Fantasy XIV collaboration event until December 23, 2024 in the Japanese version of the mobile game and January 7 to January 28, 2025 on the Global servers. This collaboration was announced during the November Live Letter from the Producer broadcast alongside other collaborations, like the Flibustier Paris bracelets styled after the Grand Company logos.
Final Fantasy XIV is available now on PC, Mac, Xbox, and PlayStation. Patch 7.1 released on November 12, 2024. War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is on Android and iOS devices.
Published: Dec 2, 2024 05:00 pm