Back on May 1, Terry Cavanagh shared a story from Wololo on Twitter informing the world of a VVVVVV exploit that would allow people to use homebrew on the Nintendo 3DS. ShinyQuagsire’s userland savegame exploit would allow someone to use the browserhax or Cubic Ninja exploit with VVVVVV to run unofficial programs on the handheld. Cavanagh said he hoped this meant he wouldn’t need to issue a patch, but today the indie game is no longer available in the North American eShop.
If you already own VVVVVV and have it on your Nintendo 3DS, there will be no problem running and playing it. However, others will need to wait for it to return to the Nintendo 3DS eShop to purchase and play it. Cavanagh has yet to issue a statement concerning the removal.
VVVVVV was released on the Nintendo 3DS on December 29, 2011. In the platformer, players control gravity to help Captain Viridian explore Dimension VVVVVV and save his crew.
Published: May 3, 2016 10:30 am