Animation studio Orange unveiled the main trailer for Trigun Stampede on December 4, 2022, along with its worldwide release date of January 7, 2023. This new trailer highlights the clash between Vash and his brother, Millions Knives. Humanity is stranded in a desert planet, forced to rely on Plants, valuable biological power reactors that can’t be replicated. Knives seeks to collect all Plants, and Vash is set to stop him.
Check out the trailer below. English subtitles are available in the closed captions.
Along with the release date, this new trailer revealed the opening and ending themes for Trigun Stampede. The opening theme is called “TOMBI,” performed by Japanese hip hop artist Kvi Baba. The ending theme is called “Hoshi no Kuzu α (Waste of the Stars Alpha),” composed by Haruka Nakamura and performed by singer Salyo.
In a previous tweet, studio Orange confirmed that this new retelling of Trigun was only possible thanks to the original manga being complete. Two characters present in the trailer are William Conrad and Livio the Double Fang, which were exclusive to the manga. Their appearances, along with other hints present in the trailer, point to this new adaptation sticking closer to completed source material.
Crunchyroll will offer a worldwide simulcast of Trigun Stampede following its January 7, 2023 release date. The first episode was previously shown at Anime NYC between November 18-20, 2022.
Published: Dec 5, 2022 5:00 PM UTC