This Week In Sales: A Jump Convention With Some Full-Bodied Action

This article is over 6 years old and may contain outdated information

Period: The week of February 11 – February 17 (2019)

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Top-seller: Jump Force – 76,894 (PS4)

Nintendo Switch sales: 65,958 (Last week – 61,280)

Nintendo 2DS sales: 142 (138)

New Nintendo 2DS LL sales: 3,358 (3,216)

New Nintendo 3DS LL sales: 1,254 (1,070)

PlayStation 4 sales: 11,792 (11,583)

PlayStation 4 Pro sales: 7,892 (8,111)

PlayStation Vita sales: 1,767 (1,475)

Xbox One sales: 13 (16)

Xbox One X sales: 55 (129)

<< Last week’s software sales chart

<< How to read and understand sale


Jump Force

Last week in Japan, there were two big releases with the crossover 3D fighter Jump Force and Catherine: Full Body. Additional releases include Far Cry: New Dawn, Metro Exodus, Nobunaga’s Ambition Taishi: with Power-Up Kit, and Kiniro no Corda: Octave. Japanese sales tracker Media Create released the latest video game software and hardware sales data from the week of February 1 to February 17, 2019.


The #1 title of the week goes to Jump Force which sold 76,894 units on the PS4. Catherine: Full Body followed up at #2 with 51,824 units sold on PS4, and an additional 9,241 units from the PS Vita version at #13 to combine for 61,065 units between the two. Last week’s top title in New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe charted at #3 with 34,541 units sold for Switch, followed by Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at #4 with 29,843 units sold in the week.


As for other new titles of the week, Far Cry: New Dawn debuted at #5 with 26,285 copies sold on PS4 and Metro Exodus at #7 with 17,513 units sold on PS4. The next new title is Nobunaga’s Ambition Taishi: with Power-Up Kit at #12 for the PS4 version with 10,326 units and at #20 for the Switch version which sold 3,705 units to combine for 14,031 units between the two. Lastly, Kiniro no Corda: Octave debuted at #17 with 4,585 units sold on PS Vita.


In hardware sales, things were more steady with the PlayStation 4 console selling 11,792 units plus an additional 7,892 from PS4 Pros to combine for 19,684 units. The Nintendo Switch sold a little more than the week prior with 65,958 units, making up about 71.5% of all hardware sales.


Going by Media Create’s figures, the Nintendo Switch is currently at 7,379,142 units sold in Japan since its launch in March 3, 2017.


The top-20 chart of the week is as follows:

Lw Tw Title Weekly Sales Total Sales Sys Publisher
New 01. Jump Force 76,894 New PS4 Bandai Namco
New 02. Catherine: Full Body 51,824 New PS4 Atlus
01. 03. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe 34,541 431,771 Switch Nintendo
03. 04. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 29,843 2,860,986 Switch Nintendo
New 05. Far Cry: New Dawn 26,285 New PS4 Ubisoft
02. 06. Kingdom Hearts III 19,265 755,810 PS4 Square Enix
New 07. Metro Exodus 17,513 New PS4 Spike Chunsoft
05. 08. Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! & Let’s Go, Eevee! 15,287 1,490,789 Switch Pokémon Company
06. 09. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 12,249 2,133,021 Switch Nintendo
04. 10. Resident Evil 2 11,636 338,492 PS4 Capcom
07. 11. Super Mario Party 10,942 1,018,889 Switch Nintendo
New 12. Nobunaga’s Ambition Taishi: with Power-Up Kit 10,326 New PS4 Koei Tecmo
New 13. Catherine: Full Body 9,241 New PSV Atlus
08. 14. Minecraft 8,905 607,502 Switch Nintendo
09. 15. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 8,235 1,292,065 Switch Nintendo
10. 16. Splatoon 2 7,193 2,932,629 Switch Nintendo
New 17. Kiniro no Corda: Octave 4,585 New PSV Koei Tecmo
11. 18. Ace Combat 7 4,250 249,839 PS4 Bandai Namco
12. 19. Dragon Quest Builders 2 3,758 231,839 Switch Square Enix
New 20. Nobunaga’s Ambition Taishi: with Power-Up Kit 3,705 New Switch Koei Tecmo

Sales data acquired from 4Gamer and Media Create.

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