Square Enix shared a new image going over more of the Theatrhythm Final Bar Line cast of characters, and this time the focus is on FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, and FFXIV folks. A total of 18 people came up. However, two of those are different versions of the same characters.
Here’s the full list of the latest confirmed characters from FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, and FFXIV. Both heroes and villains appear.
- FFX: Auron
- FFX: Jecht
- FFX: Seymour
- FFX: Tidus
- FFX: Yuna
- FFX-2: Paine
- FFX-2: Rikku
- FFX-2: Yuna
- FFXII: Ashe
- FFXII: Balthier
- FFXII: Fran
- FFXII: Gabranth
- FFXII: Vaan
- FFXIV: Alphinaud
- FFXIV: Thancred
- FFXIV: Y’shtola
- FFXIV: Y’shtola #2
- FFXIV: Yda
Oddly enough, this image does not also confirm Alphinaud’s sister Alisaie.
And this is the image in full:
This isn’t the first time Square Enix teased some of the Theatrhythm Final Bar Line characters on Twitter. A past picture went over people from FFI, FFIII, FFV, FFVII, and FFIX. Many of the screenshots and trailers shared so far also offered glimpses of familiar faces. For example, we’ve seen Noctis and his friends from FFXV show up in some of them.
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line will come to the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 on February 16, 2023. In case you missed it, here’s part of its tracklisting.
Published: Nov 28, 2022 5:30 PM UTC