For the recent Resident Evil games, Capcom has based characters’ faces on actual actors or models. For example, Resident Evil 2’s Claire’s face was based on Jordan McEwen and Leon on Eduard Badaluta. Now Sasha Zotova has come forward on Instagram to confirm she is the Resident Evil 3 Jill face model. [Thanks, Resetera!]
Zotova confirmed Jill’s face in the Resident Evil 3 remake is based on her own on December 20, 2019. She said she felt honored to be picked as the basis for the character and thanked fans.
In a follow-up post, Zotova again thanked people for her support. That image offered a better, clearer look of the Resident Evil 3 Jill design.
As shown in early images, both Jill and Carlos have different looks in the new game. However, people who preorder can get a Classic Costume Pack that calls back to their old designs and outfits.
If you want to get a better look at how Jill looks with Zotova as the basis for her appearance, Capcom released quite a few screenshots after the December 2019 State of Play reveal.
Resident Evil 3 will come to the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on April 3, 2020. It will include Resident Evil: Resistance. Its limited edition (with Jill statue) is only available at GameStop.
Published: Dec 21, 2019 2:15 AM UTC