It seems that The Pokemon Company might decide to get into the NFT and metaverse game. It opened up a job listing requiring knowledge of Web 3 and blockchains. This listing is on The Pokemon Company International’s Greenhouse page under the title of Corporate Development Principal. Since this is just a job opening and not an official statement of intentions, it does not necessarily mean that The Pokemon Company actually hopes to break into blockchain games. [Thanks, Nintendo Life and Pory!]
Twitter user pory_leeks was the first to see this posting and bring it to the attention of the Pokemon community at large. One of the qualifications to be a Corporate Development Principal at The Pokemon Company International is to have “deep knowledge and understanding of Web 3, including blockchain technologies and NFT, and/or metaverse.” The candidate must also be “deeply connected to a network of investors and entrepreneurs in the technology sectors above (Web3 and metaverse).”
While none of the responsibilities make any overt references to blockchain technology or the metaverse, the Corporate Development Principal will design processes to test the feasibility of new ideas and opportunities. With Square Enix still looking into blockchain games, NFTs may be a trend amidst Japanese game developers. So it is unclear if The Pokemon Company simply wants to gauge the market or if it will release something metaverse-related in the future.
You can find the Corporate Development Principal listing for The Pokemon Company via the company’s Greenhouse page.
Published: Mar 13, 2023 9:30 PM UTC