The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD on Wii U will run at 1080p, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced today during a Nintendo Direct presentation.
“Some adjustments” have been made to the game to make exploration more convenient, Iwata said. While these will be revealed at a later date, Iwata did mention one new feature—an update to the game’s Tingle Tuner feature.
In the Gamecube version of Wind Waker, the Tingle character provided the player with an item called the Tingle Tuner, which would let you connect your Gamecube to a Game Boy Advance, in order to receive assisted play from another player. In the Wii U version, this item has been replaced by the Tingle Bottle item.
The Tingle Bottle allows you to type messages and throw them into the ocean in a bottle. When other Miiverse users reply, their message will float up on shore in bottles as well.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD will be released in October 2013.
Published: Jun 11, 2013 07:28 am