Ufotable, the studio behind Sonic X, is releasing a four part OVA series of Tales of Symphonia starting on June 8th 2007. Each disc has 30 minutes of animated scenes of Lloyd and Colette’s adventure in Sylvarant. The character designer for the OVA is Akira Matsushima who worked as the character designer on the Rurouni Kenshin OVA “Reflection” and Rave Master. The second DVD is scheduled to come out on August 10th, the third is coming out in the fall and the final volume is set for a winter release. Since Tales of Symphonia made a big splash in the USA too there is a fair chance that an anime distributor can pick this up as a localization project. See the artwork from the OVA past the jump.
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Published: Feb 1, 2007 02:55 pm