Tales of Link is a smartphone game of the Tales series, where you guide a young swordsman named Shiza in his adventure of sealing the Seed of Disaster. In addition to its appearances of many characters from the series, the game is now getting a collaboration with God Eater 2: Rage Burst.
The above images show Veigue in Soma’s outfit, and Judith wearing Alisa’s clothes.
Followed by Edna in a Ciel costume, and Reid in Julius’.
Additionally, the collaboration brings the God Arc weapons from the God Eater series into the game. These can be further upgraded up until an UR++ rank.
Players might want to level up their God Arc weapons as much as they can, since they’ll be facing off the Black Beast Chrome Gawain, who’ll also be there as a guest monster.
The Tales of Link and God Eater 2: Rage Burst collaboration started today and will go on until August 30th.
Published: Aug 17, 2015 10:30 am