The worldwide Splatoon 3 Twitter accounts shared details about the Ink Vac, a new weapon that seems inspired by a leaf blower. The item seems like one that could be used both defensively and offensively. It can counter enemies by vacuuming up enemy ink and using it against them.
First, here’s the English reveal of the Splatoon 3 Ink Vac weapon. It shows a teal variant of it, but doesn’t specify a particular model. It is from the Dolphin brand. Said “company” has been a part of the series since the original Splatoon.
Squid Research Lab here with breaking news! We've identified another new weapon—the formidable Ink Vac! This special device is equipped with a massive nozzle capable of inhaling the ink from an enemy's attack and sending it back via a powerful counterattack.
— Splatoon North America (@SplatoonNA) April 25, 2022
The Japanese Twitter account took things a step further. It actually shows how the Ink Vac weapon works in Splatoon 3. Initially, people see it without any enemy ink involved. In the second portion, it shows how it sucks up ink from two opponents’ attacks.
うまく使えば仲間を守ることもできそうだ。— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) April 25, 2022
The last new weapon revealed is the Stringer bow.
Splatoon 3 will appear on the Nintendo Switch on September 9, 2022.
Published: Apr 25, 2022 8:00 PM UTC