Earlier today, Taito released the first trailer for Space Invaders Invincible Collection, their Nintendo Switch collection of Space Invaders titles that goes through the entire history of the series. It was revealed in tandem with the trailer that smartphone game Arkanoid VS Space Invaders will also be included, but only in the Special Edition.
As previously mentioned, the collection releases as both a regular and Special Edition. Like Darius Cozmic Collection, the regular one includes all the classic games, while the Special Edition includes extra titles that are associated with the series, but aren’t essential. Arkanoid VS Space Invaders, the smartphone title that has players moving the block-breaking Arkanoid on the touchscreen to hit space invaders, falls into the latter category.
In particular, it seems that this game might be Handheld mode-only, as the screen is shown sideways. This would fit with the control scheme that the game was designed around.
Space Invaders Invincible Collection is headed to Nintendo Switch on March 26, 2020. You can read the full list of announced titles up until now in our previous post here.
Published: Jan 6, 2020 3:54 PM UTC