Like what it did leading up to Shin Megami Tensei V, Atlus is releasing daily demon digests for Soul Hackers 2. Over the weekend, it showed off how Dormarth and Bugbear will appear in Soul Hackers 2. The two have appeared previously in other games from Atlus.
The video series, which has the title “Daily Ringo & Demon’s Horoscope,” has the frame story of Ringo using her powers to predict the future. In this case, the future consists of what demons to expect in the game. On March 12, 2022, the demon she saw for Soul Hackers 2 was Dormarth, with Scorpio being the luckiest star sign of the day.
The March 13, 2022 Soul Hackers 2 video focused on Bugbear. Instead of Ringo and Milady fighting like in the Dormarth video, Saizo and Arrow are the ones who get to show off their moves. Bugbear retaliates after Saizo’s attack by spitting out a miasma that hits the whole party. The luckiest star sign of the day is Taurus, and Ringo notes that Bugbear represents a resolution to your relationship issues. Bugbear is alternatively known as Bugs.
Soul Hackers 2 will focus on Ringo, an artificial being who works as an agent for Aion. Unlike in previous games such as Persona 5 or Shin Megami Tensei V, Ringo is a protagonist with voiced dialogue and a canon personality.
Soul Hackers 2 will come out on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Windows PC on August 25, 2022 in Japan and on August 26, 2022 in North America and Europe.
Published: Mar 14, 2022 9:30 AM UTC