The FFXIV Island Sanctuary mounts require you to spend a lot of time gathering up the Seafarer’s Cowries to unlock. Of the eight available mounts in the side content, here are the three best FFXIV Island Sanctuary mounts you should get.

Best FFXIV Island Sanctuary Mounts: Garlond GL-II
The first of the three mounts you should get is the Garlond GL-II mount. This is a little motorcycle that looks fantastic and a bit rough around the edges (in a good way). It costs 24,000 Seafarer’s Cowries to unlock from the Horrendous Hoarder NPC robot at your Hideaway.
This is my favorite of the mounts available from Island Sanctuary. If you want to get the Seafarer’s Cowries (the blue ones) to unlock this mount and the others, I recommend always doing your dailies. These include completing the various missions in the Island Sanctuary story, gathering plants and animal droppings, and having your workshop always making new items for you.

Best FFXIV Island Sanctuary Mounts: Island Alligator Mount
The second mount I recommend is the Island Alligator. This is the most expensive mount of them all, coming in at 35,000 Seafarer’s Cowries from the Horrendous Hoarder. It is also the most unique in that it takes one of the island’s inhabitants, the massive alligator, and lets you ride atop it. It is certainly worth unlocking for those looking for a mount that shows how active you are in the Island Sanctuary.

Best FFXIV Island Sanctuary Mounts: Mandragora Queen Mount
The final mount I recommend is the Mandragora Queen mount. Six of the eight mounts in Island Sanctuary involve the various little plant family, but the best of the bunch is their queen. The Mandragora Queen has an adorable style and personality, due to the flower on her head and her cutesy effects. She is also, fortunately, the cheapest of the three on this list. She comes in at only 18,000 Seafarer’s Cowries from the Horrendous Hoarder.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PS4, PS5, and PC. It will also release for Xbox in Spring 2024.
Published: Nov 6, 2023 5:45 PM UTC