Atlus revealed that Sraosha will make his return in Shin Megami Tensei V. This is the first demon of the Herald race featured in the daily video series. Sraosha is the 17th demon the developer has spotlighted leading up to the game’s November 2021 release on Nintendo Switch.
The new SMT V trailer shows Sraosha using both restorative and offensive light magic. He uses Mediarahan to heal the entire party and Mahamabarion to damage all enemies. Additionally, the game shows both Makarakarn and Megidolaon in his list of useable skills.
According to Zoroastrian mythology, Sraosha is an archangel of sorts who comes to Earth after sunset to vanquish evil. His name means “conscience,” as in listening to and being aware of others. In Zoroastrianism, Sraosha is a compassionate deity who acts as the ears of Ahura Mazda to hear the cries of humanity.
Atlus’ daily video series focuses on recruitable characters like Sraosha in SMT V. All of the demons are based on religions and folklore of the world. Check out the full list of featured demons so far:
- Jack Frost
- Amanozako
- Fionn mac Cumhaill
- Angel
- Daimon
- Mermaid
- Mandrake
- Arioch
- Kumbhanda
- Feng Huang
- Inugami
- Turdak
- Fafnir
- Mothman
- Lilim
- Futsunushi
Shin Megami Tensei V will launch exclusively on Nintendo Switch in Japan on November 11, 2021, and worldwide on November 12, 2021.
Published: Jul 3, 2021 4:59 PM UTC