Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster will be released soon in Japan, but while you’re counting the days, you can get a bit of fortune-telling done as well, thanks to Atlus’ promotional page detailing “Devil Fusion Fortunes.” Interested website-goers can visit this page and enter their birthday to receive a fusion of two Shin Megami Tensei demons. The resulting demon will then deliver a quick horoscope (in Japanese). As it’s a daily horoscope that varies based on birthdate, fans can come back every day to get a new prediction and share it on social media, should they wish to.
Here’s my Devil Fusion Fortune, featuring the demon Lachesis:
Here’s a quick translation:
Thou seeketh knowledge.
Knowledge of thine future.
Lachesis sees it in thee.
Thine circumstances shall change unexpectedly, but things shall go well.
But harken, for windfalls can bring pitfalls.
Beware of unanticipated accidents.
To join in and get your own personal Devil Fusion Fortune, just visit the site and enter your birthday from the drop-down menus in this field:
Select your birth month in the first number (月) and the day (日) in the second, then click the “Begin Fusion Fortune” (合体占いを始める) button below. It’ll then play a short video and display your fortune for the day.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Remaster HD will be released in Japan on October 29, 2020 on the PS4 and Nintendo Switch. A worldwide release is planned for Spring 2021. Dante from the Devil May Cry series will be made available as part of a day one “Maniax Pack” DLC add-on.
Published: Aug 19, 2020 3:30 PM UTC