Unlocked: The World of Games, Revealed is a new 8-part documentary series which explores the world of videogames and their creators. In episode three, we hear from Shigeru Miyamoto as he discusses a wide variety of topics, including the Wii Remote and Nintendo’s decision to pursue the idea of motion gaming.
Miyamoto cited the reason for going into motion-controlled gaming was the fact that less and less people were getting into games because, at the time, controllers and games themselves were becoming much more complex and less complicated. Nintendo then decided to create a concept that was much more accessible to a larger audience.
Here is Miyamoto’s full response:
Mr. Miyamoto shares his thoughts behind the creation of Wii motion controls in episode 3 of @UnlockedTVShow. https://t.co/WXMQRtv12v pic.twitter.com/3VK4gVZ3Me
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) December 16, 2016
Published: Dec 18, 2016 05:30 pm