Bandai Namco Entertainment released a trailer for the newly announced Sand Land anime, which will come out some time in 2023. It is based on the Akira Toriyama manga from 2000 and it will be a collaboration between Sunrise, Kamikaze Douga, and Anima. News of this first came out in early December 2022.
At the time of the initial announcement, we only knew which studios would be involved in the project. However, we did not get anything too concrete beyond that. Though there was a teaser trailer, it only used an animated still from the manga. This trailer is our first look at how the Sand Land anime will look like when it debuts.
You can watch the Sand Land trailer here:
It will be a “visual adaptation,” which implies that it will be a series. As well, Bandai Namco expressed interest in a “full IP” for Sand Land, so there might be more content about it in the future. Since it’s Bandai Namco, there might be a Sand Land game in the future.
Sand Land follows the story of Beelzebub, who is a young demon, in his search for water. Since they live in a desert world suffering from a drought, water is more precious a commodity than gold. He and the sheriff Rao journey through the land in order to find the Phantom Lake.
The Sand Land anime will come out in 2023.
Published: Dec 16, 2022 10:00 pm