Thanks for the tip IceAmp about Front Mission 1st being packaged with an English language option, but it is only partially true. Yeah, Front Mission 1st has English menus and status screens. However, the story is entirely in Japanese. (See the picture on the right?) I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble, but I also wouldn’t want any of our readers to think that Front Mission 1st has a full English option like Phoenix Wright. Is it Front Mission 1st playable? Absolutely, if you don’t mind missing out on the story.
If you really want to get into Front Mission 1st it looks like there is a possible English release coming out. The Front Mission Project Blog, which is linked to the official Front Mission Online site claims Front Mission 1st is coming to North America under a truncated name, Front Mission. Square-Enix USA has not announced this yet, but considering the popularity of the Nintendo DS I don’t think this is too hard to believe. E3 is just around the corner so we should get official news relatively soon.
Published: May 28, 2007 09:46 pm