Sega announced two new PSO2COMI anime episodes, with each one designed to help people see what to expect in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis after playing PSO2. Both Mitarashi and Tetra return to help go over features in the game and talk about the new MMORPG. This marks the second time the company shared Pusonicomi episodes outside of Japan.
The PSO2COMI anime webtoon first appeared outside of Japan in February 2021 and focused on the first game, while these are new episodes inspired by PSO2 New Genesis. The first episode is “Let’s Play PSO2 NGS.” It has Mitarashi and Tetra running into each other. It explains how the game changed and what to expect. Then, it went into how people can use their old avatars or create a new one. After that, it went over gameplay elements.
The second PSO2 New Genesis PSO2COMI anime episode is “Did You Play? PSO2 NGS!” It looks at character models, new emotes, how CAST models can get weathered, MAG devices, and how NPCs behave.
As a reminder, people can also read the English version of the PSO2COMI webcomic. Sega started localizing them in January 2021. As of March 2021, they’re all available.
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis will release globally on June 9, 2021 on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PC in Japan and Xbox One and PC as globally. PSO2 is available on the Xbox One and PC outside Japan and on the PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC in Japan.
Published: Jun 7, 2021 4:00 PM UTC