Square Enix revealed the 6.5 part 1 FFXIV patch notes are live and bring up the new Stormblood changes on the way. It goes over the additions for people who own the base game and new content for the free trial. The update also goes over the new quests, activities, Hrothgar and Viera hairstyles, new mounts, minions, and cosmetics on the way as well.
Basically, the 6.5 part 1 patch notes for FFXIV reassured us that the free trial includes Stormblood. It also noted the level cap will be at 70 once the update happens. It does note that if someone is taking part in that demo portion, they will not get to go through any Ultimate Raids.
As for the base game, Square Enix noted everyone who only owns A Realm Reborn will get Stormblood for free. There will be no need to claim it, like people needed to when there was the promotion to get a free copy of the expansion earlier in 2023.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC. The 6.5 part 1 FFXIV patch will launch on October 3, 2023. The second part of 6.5 won’t be available until January 2024.
Published: Sep 29, 2023 3:30 PM UTC