Only 6,000 retail copies of DJ Max Portable 3 will be released in North America. 1,000 of those are a special boxed edition. The other 5,000 UMDs will be sold at online retailers like Amazon. Why? I wanted to know, so I brought the question to Michael Yum, Executive Producer at Playmaker Studios.
“We wanted to focus on our next gen games for retail and we felt the PSP market was leading more towards digital distribution. Plus we have been very happy with our PSN results on Strikers and DJ Max Fever so we think DJ Max Portable 3 would also be a great addition,” Yum wrote back in an e-mail.
DJ Max Portable 3 will be available on PlayStation Network on October 19, five days after retail copies ship. Gamestop had DJ Max Fever in their stores, but we hear the mega video game retailer won’t have DJ Max Portable 3.
Published: Sep 10, 2010 01:10 pm