Knowing the map levels in Palworld is important, as you can quickly get knocked out if you venture into a region with Pals much stronger than you. This guide will break down the Palworld map levels and the correct boss order.

All Palworld Map Levels
At the beginning of Palworld, players will spend most of their time in the Windswept Hills, which is a region with lower-level Pals. However, after reaching level 15 and above, you will want to stretch your legs and explore the game’s vast map.
Before you jump on one of the flying mounts in Palworld to travel to a new region, you will want to know the spawn levels of Pals you will encounter. After all, the game limits which Pals you can catch depending on your current level.
You can find all Palworld map levels in the image below:

For your convenience, we have broken up the map into three smaller images so you can get a closer look at each region in the map and the Pal spawn levels in them.
Obsidian Mountain Pal Levels
For the bulk of the volcanic region, you can expect to find Pals that spawn in from 35 to 50. If you head south to the Fisherman’s Point beach area, you can find level 30 to 35 Pals such as Fire-type Samurai Bushi. Finally, the northern tip the of the region features the Ruined Fortress City with level 30 to 35 spawns.

Bamboo Groves Pal Levels
In the center of the map is Bamboo Groves, which has level 10 to 20 Pals. If you travel north of the region you will find the Forgotten Island Church Ruins island, which has level 1 to 10 Pals. And, of course, in the southeast corner of the map is the beginning area, Windswept Hills, which features levels 1 to 15 Pals.

Astral Mountains and Dessicated Desert Pal Levels
Now, we’ve finally gotten to the late-game regions in Palworld. In the north east is the snowy Astral Mountains, which has Pals that spawn in from level 35 to 50. East of the Astral is the vast Dessicated Desert. In the sand-filled dunes, you can find Pals as high as levels 40 through 50.

Palworld Bosses in Order

Another reason you will need to know the Palworld map levels is to figure out the order in which you should take on the game’s bosses. After spending 100 hours in Palworld, we actually have charted the game’s boss order.
Below is a list of the Palworld bosses in order of level:
- Boss 1: Zoe & Grizzbolt – Rayne Syndicate Tower.
- Level 10 / Weakness: Ground-type Pals.
- Boss 2: Lily & Lyleen – Free Pal Alliance Tower.
- Level 25 / Weakness: Fire-type Pals.
- Boss 3: Axel & Orserk – Eternal Pyre Tower.
- Level 40 / Weakness: Ice and Ground-type Pals.
- Boss 4: Marcus & Faleris – PIDF Tower.
- Level 45 / Weakness: Water-type Pals.
- Boss 5: Victor & Shadowbeak – PAL Genetic Research Unit Tower.
- Level 50 / Weakness: Dragon-type Pals.

Just like the skill tree locations in Palworld, knowing the level of each Pal spawn and Boss will help you survive the game’s environment. However, I would recommend being at least level 45 before taking on Marcus and Victor, as they are extremely difficult compared to previous boss encounters.
Palworld is now available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Published: Feb 13, 2024 7:45 PM UTC