When Ganbarion first started developing One Piece games they created the One Piece: Grand Battle series which had its debut on PsOne. The last Grand Battle title was for PlayStation 2 and was released in the West as One Piece: Grand Battle. That was nine years ago and in between that time Ganbarion worked on One Piece adventure games and Pandora’s Tower.
They’re going back to their roots with One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X. The Nintendo 3DS game is a continuation of the One Piece fighting game series. One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X has over 85 characters and players create their own dream team for battles.
Before the game was announced in Japan, Bandai Namco producer Koji Nakajima who works with the One Piece series hinted at a fighting game. "I’ve made lots of One Piece games. Right now, I would like to make a fighting game that puts all of the Devil Fruit abilities and Haki in the spotlight," Nakajima said to Siliconera. "If I could make a fighting game, I would want it to capture the flashiness of the Devil Fruit abilities like how [Admiral] Aokiji uses ice and can create it at will."
Published: Jul 29, 2014 5:46 AM UTC