Koei Tecmo offered a better way to see exactly how the Nioh 2 PC version will differ from the one you might have seen on the PlayStation 4. It shared a link to a new trailer on its Steam page. While it starts with a little bit of gameplay, a third of the way in it begins looking at specific, exclusive features like HDR and 144hz monitor support. Even better is that it shows exactly how this will change the way you see and play the game.
Once it gets into the PC-exclusive elements, it starts with a side-by-side comparison. It lets you see what the SDR and HDR performance would look like. Then, it shows the settings screen. In there, you can determine what quality level you want, the display mode you might want, the screen resolution, the rendering resolution, the frame rate cap (60 and 120 will be available), shadow quality, and if there’s motion blur. It then brings up the keyboard and mouse customization, gamepad support, and support for 144hz or ultrawide monitors. It even shows the difference 4K and Ultra-HD will make in-game.
Here’s the full Nioh 2 PC Overview, which IGN exclusively shared.
The Nioh 2: The Complete Edition PC version will launch on February 5, 2021, the same day it will come to the PlayStation 5. Nioh 2 is immediately available on the PlayStation 4.
Published: Jan 14, 2021 6:00 PM UTC