The NieR Reincarnation team has released the survey results for the closed beta test. The closed beta test was exclusive to Japanese audiences and began on July 29, 2020 and lasted until August 5, 2020. Since then, data has been collected and compiled. Now that information regarding how the closed beta test has been released. [Thanks, 4Gamer!]
The first graph shows general impressions of the mobile game, and asks those who participated if they would be interested in playing the game at launch. 65% of those who participated in the closed beta test would like to play NieR Reincarnation at launch. Only 2% said they would not be interested in playing the game upon its full release. Overall satisfaction with what was offered in the closed beta test was 47%, while 32% of users were very satisfied.
The second part of the NieR Reincarnation survey covers how well the story and setting were received in the closed beta test. 68% of players were very satisfied with what they saw, while 26% of players were satisfied. In regards to the story, 41% of players were very satisfied and 44% were satisfied. Comments in the survey praise the music, graphics, and the setting.
The final part of the NieR Reincarnation closed beta test survey includes how well the overall gameplay was received. Only 36% of players were satisfied, while 36% of players were somewhat unsatisfied with the functionality and load times. Additionally, only 30% of players were satisfied with the controls, and around 44% of users were somewhat unsatisfied.
The NieR Reincarnation team mentions that they will do their best to optimize everything before launch, so players will have the best experience when Nier Reincarnation is fully released.
During the closed beta test period, information regarding NieR Reincarnation had been leaked. The development team has since asked players to avoid circulating these leaks, so those who were not able to participate in the closed beta test can play Reincarnation with the intended experience and excitement.
NieR Reincarnation is in development for Apple iOS and Android. You can watch footage from the closed beta test here.
Published: Aug 27, 2020 10:30 AM UTC