The Pokemon Center in Japan will release a new series of Pokemon toys. The name of the series “1, 2, and… Poof!” is a reference to the text that appears when you make a Pokemon forget a move. [Thanks, Hobby Watch!]
There are ten variations of “1, 2, and… Poof!” Pokemon toys in total. They cost 990 JPY ($6.75) each. These are only available in the Japan store, as the toys do not appear on the USA version of the Pokemon Center website. The Pokemon that are part of the series are:
- Bidoof
- Fuecoco
- Goomy
- Lotad
- Munchlax
- Pikachu
- Psyduck
- Quagsire
- Slowpoke
- Wooper (Paldean)

The Pokemon toys all have a blank expression with their mouths open as if they’re surprised. This design is likely meant to evoke the impression that they’re shocked and have forgotten something but can’t remember what. Despite the series’ name, Pokemon in the games do not actually react when you make them forget or learn a move.
These are not the only new pieces of merchandise for the Pokemon series. You can also buy a reclining chair in the shape of Sizzlipede from the official store or a giant Clodsire plush (along with Paldean Wooper dolls) from Takara Tomy. Though jewelry, The Pokemon Company has also recently partnered with Tiffany and Co. to release various necklaces. These will come in a special Tiffany blue Poke Ball box.
The Pokemon “1, 2, and… Poof!” toys are available to order from the Pokemon Center website in Japan.
Published: Nov 30, 2023 1:00 AM UTC