While this week belongs to Monster Hunter in Japan, Inazuma Eleven Go will be one of next week’s high-profile games. Go, which kicks off the second generation of Inazuma Eleven games, takes place 10 years after the original trilogy, and stars a new, younger set of characters, while bringing older ones back as mentors. Here’s the latest trailer for the game:
Inazuma Eleven Go comes in two versions, Shine and Dark. Depending on which version you have, you’ll note differences in story and characters. For instance, the Shine version’s opposing team is “Unlimited Shining”. The Dark version’s opposing team is “Ancient Dark”. Each version also has exclusive characters to scout for your team.
Some of our readers may also recall that Mamoru Endou, star of the original Inazuma Eleven series, has a different wife, depending on which version of Go you play. In Shine, he’s married to Natsumi. In Dark, he’s married to Fuyuka.
Inazuma Eleven Go is slated for release on December 15th.
Published: Dec 7, 2011 10:30 am