After looking at December’s virtual console list I know I’m going to be buying some Wii Points to get a few games. I bet plenty of other people are going to do the same thing. Getting Wii Point cards are extremely easy in Japan. Twenty four hour convenience stores like 7-11 and Family Mart sell them. However, if you’re too lazy to take a five minute stroll outside and don’t have a credit card Nintendo has another way for you to get a virtual console fix. In the middle of December KDDI au customers will be able to purchase Wii Points in 1,000 / 2,000 and 3,000 yen increments with their phones. I imagine could be useful for the credit card-less younger crowd, but now I want a USB Suica reader. Pushing buttons to get Wii Points is just too tiring, I want to swipe my IC card and get straight to Treasure Hunter G.
Published: Nov 30, 2007 05:53 am