Shonen Jump scans reveal Namco Bandai’s plans for the Tales series pre summer festival. First, Tales of Vesperia, which was released on the Xbox 360 last year, will come to the PlayStation 3 in 2009. Like Eternal Sonata, the PlayStation 3 version will have bonus content. A new kid pirate named Patty can join your party.
We first heard about Tales of Vs. from a US trademark. Now, we know it’s a PSP fighting game that supports four player battles. Richter (Dawn of a New World), Shing (Tales of Hearts), Luke (Tales of the Abyss), and Yuri (Tales of Vesperia) are confirmed for the game. Tales of Vs. will come out in Japan this fall.
Tales of Graces is the Tales mothership title for Wii. Asbel is the main character and the mysterious swordsman previously shown in a trailer. Namco Bandai has this Tales game pegged for release “this winter” which could mean the holiday season, but more likely Jan/Feb/March 2010 for Japan.
Published: Apr 1, 2009 11:18 am