Weekly Shonen Jump is the renowned shonen manga magazine that appears every single week in Japan. It is through Shonen Jump that we get some of the most impressive, ground-breaking, and popular manga of all time. Many of these manga series have turned into equally popular anime series. Here are the most influential anime series to come from Shonen Jump manga.
Most Influential Shonen Jump Anime: One Piece
Look anywhere in the anime industry and you see the influence of One Piece. Whether you think it’s too long or not, there is no denying the nigh-endless reach of this pirate series. One Piece still influences new shonen anime series to this day in terms of tropes, characterizations, and fights. And even beyond shonen, this series even contributes to the passion and desire in new manga and anime creators every day.
Naruto isn’t too far behind One Piece in terms of influence. It set the standard for a character coming from nothing to become something. It also influenced the idea of teams of main characters that fight together, a dynamic we see even today in other influential series like Jujutsu Kaisen and its core cast.
Dragon Ball
Before there was any other series on this list, there was Dragon Ball. The story of Goku from a young age to becoming a father to saving the world and the universe time and time again is a tale as old as time. The late and great Akira Toriyama is one of the most influential legends in the manga and anime scene, and his legacy will continue to influence new shonen series for many decades to come.
Hunter x Hunter
While I can’t answer the question of whether or not Hunter x Hunter will ever finish as a series, what I can say is the influence it has on the industry is undeniable. The action and fight sequences in this series is so unlike any other on this list, and the core characters of Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Hisoka might arguably be my favorite of the four series here. It has some darker edges to it unlike the three above that I would say feels more apparent in its influence of some of the newer shonen series in recent memory.
Other Influential Shonen Jump Series
In addition to the above four Shonen Jump series, there are other influential series worth mentioning. The following are more anime series that adapted various Shonen Jump manga to terrific success and popularity:
- Slam Dunk
- Attack on Titan
- Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
- Jujutsu Kaisen
- Bleach
- My Hero Academia
Published: Dec 10, 2024 07:45 pm