Meet The Characters In Dark Souls II

This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

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Before you venture off into cursed lands someone has to arm you. In Dark Souls II that job goes to Blacksmith Lenigrast and Maughlin the Armourer. Here’s a look at some of the characters you’ll meet in the game as a human and, if you die, one of the undead.


Blacksmith-Lenigrast  darks4

Blacksmith Lenigrast


Maughlin-the-Armourer IllusoryHint

Maughlin the Armourer


Lucatiel-of-Mirrah LucatielofMirrah

Lucatiel of Mirrah


Blue-Sentinel-Targray darks5

Blue Sentinel Targray


Merchant-Hag-Melentia  darks16

Merchant Hag Melentia


Emerald-Herald EmeraldHerald

Emerald Herald


Old-lady-01 Milibeth-the-Housekeeper

The Old Lady and Milibeth the Housekeeper



Old-lady-02 Old-lady-03


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