Alice was down at Wondercon over the weekend and sent a report from the Blood +: From Japan to America’s Adult Swim panel where someone asked if there was a chance the PS2 game would get localized (thanks!!). She writes:
“At Wondercon today there was a panel with the people in charge of the English adaptation of the Blood+ anime. I asked them if they knew anything about the PS2 game, seeing how it's Grasshopper Manufacture/Suda 51 developed and the Samurai Champloo game they put out made it over here, but none of them had even heard of it. Given that they've wrapped up work on that series, I'm guessing there's zero chance of it coming out in the US.”
Two scenarios could have happened here they either (a.) have no idea Blood+ One Night Kiss or any of the other Blood games published by SCEJ exist or (b.) they’re being tight lipped about a project. Considering the (disappointingly) lukewarm reception the anime got in North America I’m betting the same thing as Alice. Grasshopper Manufacture fans the import route is always an option. I recently snagged a used copy of Blood+ One Night Kiss for under 2,000 yen so prices are dropping if you ever get a chance to go game hunting at Akihabara.
Published: Feb 25, 2008 08:34 pm