Last week, Nintendo of America announced that, on September 1st, they were going to gather a large number of people at the Penny Arcade Expo, and have them attempt to break a Guinness World Record in honour of Kirby.
The record, in celebration of Kirby’s 20th anniversary, was for the most number of people blowing chewing gum bubbles at once. As of last week, the record stood at 304 people, achieved by the Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on October 27th, 2010.
That record has now been broken. Nintendo of America proudly shot out an announcement this morning that they managed to gather 536 PAX attendees and have them blow a bubble all at once in celebration of Kirby’s anniversary.
Also in celebration of Kirby’s 20th anniversary is a release planned for Kirby’s Dream Collection: Special Edition on September 16th for the Wii. This compilation contains the first six Kirby games, along with new challenge stages.
Image courtesy Nintendo.
Published: Sep 2, 2012 6:00 PM UTC