Back in August, Tekken series producer, Katsuhiro Harada, touched upon what happened to Jun Kazama following the events of Tekken 2. While the popular theory is that she’s dead, Harada revealed that this wasn’t the case.
“After the release of Tekken 3, I have officially stated to the press that objectively, and officially, Jun’s whereabouts are unknown,” he wrote in a post on the Tekken Nation forums. Speaking to whether Jun would make a comeback in a future game, Harada said he was unsure as to just how strong demand for her really was.
The solution he provided was for fans to follow him on Twitter and share their opinion, which would help give him a more realistic idea as to whether or not Jun had a strong enough following for a revival. Now, 5,000 Twitter followers later, it would appear, he’s convinced.
“Yeah we have already started a consider & discussion (about Jun),” Harada replied via tweet to a fan who asked for a Jun update.
Harada’s next Tekken game is Tekken Tag Tournament 2, which was revealed last month. Incidentally, the last game Jun appeared in was the original Tekken Tag Tournament, which is considered non-canonical in the Tekken storyline.
Harada is also working on Tekken vs. Street Fighter, although, that project is farther off.
Published: Oct 23, 2010 3:29 PM UTC