Adam Jensen "levels up" in a way. He earns praxis points, which can be spent on augmentations. That’s the entire Deus Ex: Human Revolution augmentation grid, as shared by Square Enix Japan. Looks like this player is considering the social enhancer. Upgrade that augmentation won’t let you read minds, but Adam Jensen can hone in on a person’s pupils to see if they’re dilating or sweating. Useful if you’re trying to talk someone out of sparing hostages.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution has combat augmentations like the Typhoon system, which makes Adam shoot out room clearing explosives and the Icarus Landing system that saves him from deadly falls. If you want to go stealth, you can get the cloaking system, which gives Adam brief periods of invisibility. Alternatively, if you’re the kind of player that likes to shoot first you may want dermal armor or an aim stabilizing arm augmentation.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution comes out on August 23 in North America and August 25 in Europe.
Published: Aug 11, 2011 6:03 AM UTC