Idea Factory International announced its next Switch otome will be a “summer” love story, as Charade Maniacs will launch on June 27, 2023. It also confirmed there will be a limited edition. However, pre-orders for that won’t open until May 2, 2023, even though the IFI’s Online Store product listing is already live.
Charade Maniac is an otome game where the heroine and nine young men are taken to a world called Arcadia. However, one of them isn’t innocent and is a part of the whole scheme. Your goal is to stay alive and find out what’s going on. Naturally, the player can get closer to and fall in love with one of the men who is also there.
As for the limited edition, it will be $89.99. People get a physical copy of the game and a Steelbook case to hold it. Its The Next Act light novel and Behind the Curtain art book are both included. There’s also a copy of the Japanese Curtain Call Drama CD. Finally, people get 10 bromide cards of the main characters.
Charade Maniacs will come to the Nintendo Switch on June 27, 2023, and the otome game’s limited edition pre-orders open on May 2, 2023.
Published: Apr 26, 2023 7:30 PM UTC