The Dark Knight is one of a handful of tank classes in Final Fantasy XIV and is introduced through the Heavensward expansion. Originally, Dark Knight was a tank that required players to balance both TP and Mana to use its skills efficiently. However, Square Enix did away with that system and turned Dark Knight into a tank that can also function as a DPS powerhouse. Thankfully, even players on the FFXIV Free Trial can unlock Dark Knight, due to Heavensward being included.
In order to unlock Dark Knight in FFXIV, players must reach the Heavensward expansion. The quests for the Dark Knight cannot be accessed until you are able to properly enter the Foundation. This is where Ishgard’s main aetheryte is. So once you have access to the city, you can begin your quest to unlock this Job Class. From there, head to The Tribunal either through walking or teleporting there.
Speak to the Ishgardian Man at X:13.2, Y:8.8 to begin the questline. You will need to press him for details about the incident that transpired at The Tribunal before your arrival. Speak to him a second time to begin the quest “Our End.” This will formally begin the Dark Knight questline, granting you the Job Crystal and a starting weapon.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC.
Published: Mar 28, 2023 5:30 PM UTC