There’s a special event that happens at the 27 minute mark in Neo Galuga in the Vampire Survivors Operation Guns DLC, and people who make it in time can unlock Colonel Bahamut as a character. (You may recognize him from Contra: Hard Corps.) You just need to be prepared, survive, and be at the right place at the right time.
How do I unlock Colonel Bahamut in Vampire Survivors Operation Guns?
The first part of this is, well, survive while exploring the Neo Galuga stage. If you make it to the 27 minute mark of the level, an announcement will start scrolling across the bottom of the screen. It will say that an alien cyborg is in the North East of Neo City. This is Big Fuzz.

What you need to do is head to the city portion of the Neo Galuga map, then go to the northeast corner of that region. I marked the spot on the map, and I recommend being around that area around the 25 mark so you’re ready for the alert. Once the message scrolls on the bottom of the screen, head up. You’ll see a red symbol on the ground. Stepping onto it takes you into a room with Big Fuzz. You’ll need to defeat it before the 30 minute mark. It’s a fairly easy fight, with the boss using a rotating fire beam and sending out time bombs occasionally.
Once you beat Big Fuzz, Death will appear. Not only will the boss die, but you will as well. On the results screen, you’ll see Colonel Bahamut is now unlocked as a playable character in the Vampire Survivors Operation Guns DLC. If you pay 23,500 gold coins on the Character Selection screen, Bahamut will be available. The Metal Claw is the character’s default weapon, and surviving for 15 minutes on any map with him unlocks that as a weapon when leveling up.
Vampire Survivors and the Operation Guns DLC are available on the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC, and mobile devices.
Published: May 9, 2024 9:40 AM UTC