Wow. You… want to romance Rock in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. You do realize you can’t change him, right? Like yes, his schedule will change and he’ll stop sleeping until noon, but he’s not going to get a job and he’s going to still lazily wander the valley.
Okay. Well. If you’re certain, here we go.
How do I romance Rock in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life?
You need to get married to one of the available love interests at the end of chapter one of Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life to head into chapter two and, well, I suppose Rock is a romance option after all. I didn’t waste any gifts I thought he might love on him, because I was worried they might have actual value. Fortunately, Rock likes a lot of things you either can get for free or nearly free!
- Likes: Fodder and Toy Flowers.
- Dislikes: Burned, bad food you ruined, though it is funny to give it to him.
If you really want to give him a gift of value, I remember he loved some cooked food when I played the original game. But why spend actual effort giving him ingredients when the yellow flowers that grow in the forest or by Vesta’s farm for free or the fodder you might already have in your barn will work?
Where can I find Rock in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life?
Well, if it is before noon, you aren’t going to find him anywhere. He doesn’t get up until the afternoon before he gets married. So if you want to easily find him, head to the second floor of the inn, wait until 12pm rolls around, then walk into his room to see him.
Once he does wake up, he tends to wander around Forgotten Valley for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I’ve found he’ll visit Lumina near her mansion sometimes, but usually he can be found at the forest. Bring up the map if you can’t immediately find him lurking about.
How do I check my romance level with Rock in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life?
The easiest way to check his diary in his room on the second floor of the inn is right when he wakes up at noon. It’s on the desk opposite his bed. Since it’s a separate room, you can’t go in if he isn’t inside.
It’s much easier to just check his status from the main menu.
How do I see Rock’s four Heart Events in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life?
Since Rock roams around a bit, it isn’t like Matthew where you know “okay, he’s always here and that’s where you go to try and trigger events.” Fortunately, it isn’t too difficult to find some of his events, as some involve walking in the vicinity of the inn and he’ll come to your farm for another.
Also, as always, you don’t need to see every heart event to get hitched to a love interest you may try to romance in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.
1 Heart Event
This happened to me in the Spring in the afternoon (I want to say around 3pm or 4pm) around the sixth. I was walking toward Lumina’s house and the scene appeared. He’ll then see you and start asking to spend time with you instead. If you do want to spend time with him, humoring him works. Ask what he wants and comment on his free time, rather than blowing him off.
2 Heart Event
I ended up seeing this event on the second day of Summer after leaving my house when going inside to make a meal after noon. Rock will have stopped by the farm to visit, basically, and Stuff Happened. Humor him and agree to listen to him both times.
4 Heart Event
I happened upon this Rock event around 3pm on Fall 3rd when I finished watering my crops for the second time and was walking down out of my farm to go to Vesta’s and buy fertilizer. You’ll stop to talk to him while he’s by the river. Say you’re not up for a nap with the first, “gentler” option, then agree with both of his thoughts on life.
6 Heart Event
This one I ended up triggering on Fall 9th at about 8:30pm. His parents will be inside. Agree to talk to his mom. Then, when Rock stops by, leave with him when he goes. After that, you should choose him. (…Are you really sure you want to choose romance Rock in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, though?)
Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is available for the Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Published: Jun 27, 2023 9:45 AM UTC