“The General in Black” Drakenhold Main mission in Unicorn Overlord is quite a packed one, with people able to recruit Aramis, Berengaria, and Primm if they move swiftly and deploy in a smart fashion. Just be ready with some cavalry and flying units for the first portion and hold off on deploying Alain until the end, and you’ll be fine.

How do I recruit Aramis and Primm in Unicorn Overlord
Once you liberate the Command Post immediately south of your initial base, a story segment should trigger at the eastern enemy Command Post. The cleric Primm will lament being jailed. Aramis will overhear and set her free.
However, we’ll do so next to the campfire, near some enemy units. I showed her exact position in the screenshot below:

Immediately send a swift cavalry unit east toward her. When within range, she’ll call out and a brief overworld event will occur. She’ll then join the army. Keep her safe, and have your units push toward the campfire and other towns and fortresses.
Not long after Primm joins the Liberation Army, Hagen will leave that eastern enemy holding in the care of Aramis. Now, clear the way so Primm can talk to him. After the conversation, he’ll immediately join the Liberation Army as well.

Given when he’s recruited and how far east he is, go ahead and let him and Primm chill where they are. You don’t need to have them do anything else for the rest of the battle.

How do I recruit Berengaria in Unicorn Overlord
After recruiting Aramis with Primm, this will trigger another story event. We’ll see Berengaria fleeing the town in the southwest, running toward the Einsel Garrison and Einsel Church. While she may be Travis’ sister, it is Alain who needs to speak to her.
Remember how I said to hold on deploying Alain? Well, hopefully you already captured Einsel Garrison. Deploy the unit with him in it. Here’s an exact screenshot of the position, so you can see where Berengaria will appear and where you should deploy Alain.

There are two enemy units on Berengaria’s tail, but she’s strong enough to survive both battles and wipe the opposing forces out. Send Alain over to talk to her immediately. She’ll then join the Liberation Army after he does.
Clearing the stage gets you 65 Renown, 6 Honors, a Silver Bangle, a Detoxifying Amulet, and the House Zechshelm crest key item. Aramis is a Swordfighter with a Wyvern Razor sword. Berengaria is a Dark Marquess with an Iron Axe and Iron Greatshield. Primm is a Cleric with a Mother Laelia’s Staff and Vitality Talisman.
Unicorn Overlord is available for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X.
Published: Mar 8, 2024 9:10 AM UTC