Square Enix helped end a debate ahead of the next Final Fantasy release. It took to social media to reveal how to pronounce the name of the character Cait Sith in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. It noted the proper pronunciation is “kate sihth.” As some entries didn’t feature voice acting, it was uncertain until the remake entries’ release.
Here’s the official reveal.
The way to pronounce Cait Sith in Final Fantasy VII has been debated long before the release of Rebirth. This is because people were unsure if it would be more like how it is spelled (kate sihth) or like the Gaelic pronunciation (ket shee). Since the character has had an Irish accent in some forms of media, people would go with it sounding more like the Celtic kind of fairy. For example, the other pronunciation is often referenced in the Shin Megami Tensei and Persona games for the character with the same name.
This is important, as we’ll be seeing more of Cait Sith. While there was a cameo before, he’ll be in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. In fact, Square Enix already confirmed that he and his Moogle will be one of the playable characters in the game.
FFVII Rebirth will release for the PS5 on February 29, 2024, and its exclusivity arrangement ends on May 29, 2024.
Published: Oct 3, 2023 9:00 PM UTC